When You Have Writer’s Block….
We have all had it: the day where you can sit in front of the computer and then… nothing. Not one word comes to your mind. So, you head out to do something, anything else… and the words come a million a second. Hurray!
So you go back to the computer… and nothing.
When you have writer’s block, you can sometimes feel like you are about to lose your mind.
This picture describes some of my days: I have a whole bunch of words, but the problem is that they are not really linked together, or they don’t translate from brain to keyboard when you need them.
You might also visit various web sites when other writers are online… and that makes you feel like you want to write… until you are once again at the front of a blank page.
So you send what you have to your editor, in hopes they can get your mind or words moving… and that doesn’t help.
So, what do you do when you have writer’s block?
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