Five Things About a Blog.. From writing to money
Your blog is an important aspect of your business, and if you are wanting to make money online, and do this faster, having a blog is vital. There are many reasons to having a blog, and the most important is…
Money Is Important If You Self-Publish
If you intend to self-publish your books would it be fair to say that money is important, the self-published author has the same goals as the traditionally published author– that is to make money and to make a bit of…
What Makes Writing Easy?
Writing can be very easy. A lot of writers say that the process of writing and publishing is hard, but the process of writing is easy. They are correct. These writers have learned to understand what is easy for them…
Betcha It is Money… Or the lack Thereof
When I spent some time with my writing friends the main topic these days is: writing and money, and money and writing. Often the conversation begins along the lines of how their writing is progressing and how their blogs are…
Publishing A Book: Should Everyone Publish?
This is not a can question, anyone can publish a book and now it seem everyone does publish a book. Publishing a book is something, which almost anyone, with a bit of money, can do and can do fast, with…
The Aha Moment of Writing and Writing for a Living (and Publishing a Book)
Writers all can say there is a time and a place when they has this “aha” moment and that they realized that they not only can write, but they can be writing for a living. It is a moment where…
IMHO— Really, That is What Writing is About.
The thing I do love about writing, I mean really do love about writing, is that a blog is a way to learn and to build on my professional writing. Of course, Damaria said it best, it is a view,…
Where Do you Do Your Research?
Some people will suggest that you can now do research using only the Internet as a means to get your information. After all, the reasoning goes, you can find your university library information there, so if the university has information…