Passion and Joy: This Makes Passionate Writers
There is some thing in each writer, some thing that makes them want to write and want to be successful and love what we do. For some there is a thing called “writing for a living” for others it is simply getting some comments on a beloved blog and that they feel needed and wanted.
There are two things that each writer needs to be successful in this often hard and unforgiving writing world. These two thing are passion and joy. These two things combined with hard work, and love of what you write about will be a help for you and your goals.
Passion: This means that you want to write and that you want to improve on your writing and are willing to learn more and do more to get to a new point. This means that you know what you love and that you know that others will support you in their own way. You understand that as a writer you have other commitments which will take you away from the computer. In the end you will find some joy with simply writing about your day in your journal. To you passion means that as a writer waking up early to write before everyone else is not a chore. You are passionate about writing. You know and understand that there will be good days and not so good day but you strive to improve.
Joy: This means that you find ways to write some thing you love to write each day. It can be a blog or a book you are working on, but you find both joy in seeing it done or you will want to do a bit more editing on a book. The joy is seeing one more word on the page and go to bed at night knowing you have done your best and you also had fun. Often the reason writers can not write or continue to write or want to write is that they do not want to “treat” themselves. They do not show themselves joy in what they do.
If both are present then a write will love what they do and become passionate writers.
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One Comment
I think passion plays an integral part in not just the joy, but also the art of writing. If we aren't passionate about what we are doing, AKA, writing about things we love (say, rather than writing any ol' thing just to make money)then our artistic side is being stifled for greed and our art suffers.
Of course, being a starving artist doesn't always pay the bills, so we must continually struggle to find that happy medium.
Very thought provoking post, Rebecca. Thank you. 😀