A Writers Life: I Need to Promote My Site: Three Simple Ways to Do This
The Internet is filled with websites, and blogs and millions of online articles, and often one more site will not make anyone look for it. The question then becomes how does someone promote a site without losing money?
Site promotion, done correctly creates three things: Loyal readers, more traffic, and more money for the sites you wish to promote. In the following example I will use a blog and show three ways that you can easily promote your blog.
It is important to know what the blog is about, so let us say that it is about writing better. Now, again there are a lot of people who know a lot about creating sites, and are doing more technologically oriented ideas for their blogs. This means that with this blog you can target the market that you know will help you get work, by writing quality and original content for their sites.
Now, there are a few ways that you can promote this site, as you know that people will need this site, and you know that there will be an audience for it, but you need to get that audience. That is where basic site promotion comes into play.
So, here are three easy ways to do site promotion in this case:
1) Write several online articles: There are hundreds of places where you can write articles that will promote your blog. This of course means a few extra hours of writing, but the time factor is not as important as how the articles are written. They need to be good, and they need to help people once they read them. When you put your author information make certain to include a link to your blog. A link is one of the best ways to get traffic to your blog. A link is free, and also looks good to search engines, which will view a “good link” more favorably.
2) Guest Blog on Others Blogs: Be selective with this one, as if you are too “out there” you will not have time to write original content on your own blog, and people will lose interest quickly on a blog that is not updated at least every couple of days. Also, it is important to be selective about who you approach to guest blog. If you have a new blog, and the person you are asking to guest blog for has been online for a while, you will need to present the best image as to why you would like to guest blog on their site.
3) Use social networking sites and other sites to your advantage: When writing a blog, your need to market a blog, and this can be a bit hard, since, this blog is about writing, there is an easy way to promote your sites, use the social networking sites such as FaceBook or other places that allow links to get more traffic to this blog, although this will not get much money, this is about getting traffic from other sources such as social networking sites, and this will led to the goal of promoting your blog on Google and other search engines. Writing online articles will also help, as long as a link to your blog is added. This is simple promotion, but it does help long-term.
With these three simple basic ideas, you can expand, or target the audience you are looking for, the biggest way for getting traffic to a writing blog is by getting both your name and your site or blog out there. Content is king, but then so are links and site promotion.
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