What is a Vanity Press?
There are so many publishers out there and there are so many small presses out there are then there are self-publishing companies.
What most people do not factor in, for the most part, is Vanity Presses. Most writers know that they should avoid these presses at all cost, but most can not tell what is a true self-publishing company and what is a vanity press.
Here are a few points that might help in terms of vanity press versus self-publishing:
1) Vanity Presses: Your published bocks are listed as “free” but 60 free books after paying say $750 or more is not free.
2) Self-Publishing: You have your own ISBN, you are the publisher, and you have the rights to your work. No “non-exclusive” rights.
3) Vanity Presses: Have customer service representatives who sell you packages. Remember this, if you buy a package you are working with a vanity press.
4) Self-Publishing: There are no packages, you buy what you need and you pay for the cost of publishing your book, the price you set is your and you get profit not royalties.
What else would you add?
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Lady Glamis
Wow, this is helpful, thank you!
Spot on Rebecca!
Duchess O Blunt
From this post I gather you would prefer to self publish as opposed to going the route of the vanity press?
Don't you find the business end of things time consuming? Is the vanity press package worth it if they cover those details?
Just wondering what your thoughts are on that question