
Writing a Blog? we’re all in this Together!

Are you writing a blog? I am, in fact I write three. So, why do I ask this? It seems like a “duh!” type of question, where you wonder about my sanity, but I do have a point about asking this: are you writing a blog?

Writing a blog is simple, yes but why do we write a blog, for some it’s about the content and the networking, which means that they learn about marketing blogs. For others it’s a simple journal, where they share their thoughts. For some it’s a teaching tool and they write a blog as a means to enjoying and sharing their passions.

By now you’re probably screaming “What are you thinking? Marketing a Blog? Writing a Blog?” I write a blog, I don’t really need to market… well I want people to read it so it’s important that people read it, and that means that… I need to market.

So, write a blog. Write a good and fun blog, and market that blog accordingly.

My Question for you today is this: Why do you write a blog? And what do you love about it?


  • Leslie Broussard

    I keep four blogs. One about my Bible studies, one about my motorcycle adventures, one about my stepson's kindergarten adventures, and one where I write whatever I want.

    I love blogging. I love writing. I love sharing with family, friends, and whoever else stops by. I love that I have four very different topics to stretch my writing abilities.

    Thank you for this blog; it was great to revisit my inspirations for trying to keep up FOUR blogs!

  • Alissa

    Sometimes I blog to vent, sometimes to share my opinions and sometimes it's nothing but shameless self promotion. I kid myself that it helps to keep me sane.

  • VABookworm87

    I have a lot to say and no one to say it to… and there are many things I think about that just aren't normal topics of discussion, so my blog is an outlet for me to talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. I also do book reviews on my blog, because unfortunately I seem to be surrounded by people with extremely different tastes in books. Blogging about them helps me find others with similar tastes who I can chat with.

  • Christy Pinheiro, EA ABA

    I have three blogs– but I kind of wish I had only one, now. It would be easier to promote. But I think that logging is really fun, which is why I do it. And I actually enjoy reading other people's blogs even more than writing my own. I get so many great ideas from other people– writing is such a solitary activity and it's nice to have input from others.

  • Roni @ FictionGroupie

    I can't imagine maintaining more than one blog, but I blog for the connections with other writers. I never realized until I started with this what a great community of writers exist in the blogosphere.

  • Uninvoked

    I blog to learn more about writing, and hopefully to build my readership. Nothing makes me happier than to find out someone has read Uninvoked, or at least heard of it. I only wish I could reach more people.

  • JS

    I would be frank in admitting that I blog because my passions (cricket and social work) have no other platform for expression.

    Moreover, it gives me a freehand to express in whatever and whichever manner I want. I find myself through blogs. I love it!

  • Damaria Senne

    I have 2 personal blogs. I call one a coffeeshop, because it's the central point of my writing life. I talk about my life as a writer, the writing process, projects I work on and issues that affect them.
    I publish my children's stories and poetry on my second blog. I initially started it because I was having trouble getting a publisher for my work, and I decided to showcase what i can do.

    I used to have a challenge promoting my individual blogs and client blos separately, because it seemed like duplication of tasks. Now there's less separation when I promote the blogs – and I found that my audience is OK with that.