• Writing

    Destined to Soar

    I have had a hard time dealing with blank pages.  I have wonderful ideas, but then I get a pen and paper, or sit in front of my computer and… nothing.  Not one idea flows.  I would argue that in…

  • Publishing

    Sacrifice and Self-Publishing

    Self-publishing isn’t as easy as it seems. You need to forget everything you know about publishing online that you learned a few years or months ago, because everything has changed once again. The reality is that the writing you did…

  • Uncategorized

    The Kindness of Strangers

    Why it is so hard to self-publish and earn money on a book?  I’ve heard so many numbers, I’m not sure what to think. This is one of the reader questions submitted for this month.  It seems like a simple…

  • Musings on Life,  Writing

    A Look in the Mirror

    Reflecting on your own perspectives on writing and your life as a writer I feel like we can’t have a month where we talk about perspectives on writing without challenging ourselves about our own perspectives on our writing and our…

  • Uncategorized

    The Art of Songwriting

    What every writer can learn from a songwriter’s process It’s interesting that no matter how much our blog tries to be broad in its scope and appeal, we inevitably end up catering much of our commentary and advice to novelists.…

  • Uncategorized

    Joining the Mile High Club

    A writer’s guide to flying A few days ago I set off for my first visit to the great and beautiful west of Canada from Toronto, Ontario. It was somewhat of a spontaneous flight, having only decided it and booked…