
2011: Is Your Writing Going Well?

So, it is about 7 days into the new year, (6 to be exact att eh time of writing) and how is your writing for this new year going?  As most writers, we often take stock of our writing.  Not just as a big picture thing, but teh smaller details.

So, backto writing and setting goals and having more goals to do by teh end of the year.  Details are important, so on to details and teh meaning and importance of them.

Blogs: Got a blog?  Have you written on it yet this year?  Blogs are an important way to connect to others.  Simple writing each day helps, and it does not have to be long

Online Writing Sites: Comment and other matter will help you get into the swing of reading and writing.

Novels:  Have you edited something this year?  Planning to finish that novel?  Work in Progress not progressing?  Now is a great time to begin.

Articles: Simple articles that you have said that you will be working on?  These do not take long, and can be a good break from something else.  Most of these articles can be found offline, and can create some much needed money fast.

Business:  Have you got your business plan up and running?  If you do not now is a great time to write it down.  This will improve your writing business.  The best part of writing a business plan?  Focus.