
Time Factor… for writing

I was asked once, how do I do this this writing thing?

How do I write and then write and then publish more things and then write some more. Well it is a time factor thing, I try to look at the big picture. It is like losing weight, lose it too fast and you’ll gain it back, lose it too slow and you won’t wan tot continue. ( man these pesky ten pounds!)

Still, writing is like that, write and write and write and only write, and you’ll burn out and hate writing. Write a bit each day and you won’t see where it will end and you’ll stop. There is a happy medium in all things.

As Al said, time… yes we all have the same number of hours in a day, so write until you feel good ( I write about 700 words a day or more… but that is me) write until you’ve felt you done something good.

Just one thing.. finding the time for writing.