
Mad, Never Mind… the Basic thing about Publishing

The basic thing about publishing is it can make you mad, but never mind that.

In fact it is because I’m reading something totally without anything to do with publishing or writing that I realize that we as writers are all a bit mad….

The book? Born to Rule… now before you think I’ve lost it….

The five main characters? Queen Maud of Norway, Queen Victoria Eugene of Spain, Queen Sophie of Greece, Queen Marie of Romania, and Empress Alexandra of Russia… see the links?

Happy now?

I think by reading other things that interest me has given me the break I needed to edit and to become a better writer.

What helps you with publishing or writing when you are “mad, never mind”?


  • Jill Edmondson

    I definitely think that reading a bit of everything – especially books outside of your usual genre/what you're writing – is helpful.

    I have been reading some classics and "capital L" lit over the last while, and I must say the recent readings have given me ideas about style, structure and even new vocabulary.

    Cheers, Jill