
Commment on Email and Publishing

Yesterday’s post was in regards to an email I received, now as most of you know I do “gate keep” for a literary agent, which does take time, but Saturday and Sunday are my days to get some out (without Identity!) to help us all. Publishing nonfiction or Fiction is easier if there are a few rules which are followed.

A few points:

If you don’t want editing done, and no one wants to look at it, there is a problem plain and simple. There is always editing that is needed… if you don’t believe me ask people who read this blog on a regular basis.

Okay, editing is one thing but when you query is it nonfiction or is it fiction? I never heard of a non-fiction novel before.

Markets and ego, know one and take a back seat with the other.

What other points would you give?


  • Christy Pinheiro, EA ABA

    Ego always has to take a back seat. Even when you're a bestselling author, you are still going to get people who says, "Your Books Sucks"

    It's just part of the business.

    But yes, editing is very important– learned that the hard way, but my learning curve is over when it comes to editing. Now, I pay a lot of good money for a good editor. And it's worth every single penny!