
Write Better? Write As If You Have No Time Left to Live

With Remembrance day here in Canada I am thinking about all the men and boys who died in the many conflicts across the world, I wonder, why we as writers don’t think about them more often, and why we should write stronger and think about our legacy.

Write Better? Write As If You Have No Time Left to Live

I believe if we think about the end and not just the beginning our writing will become that much more powerful.

Now take the time to remember all who died in the many conflicts across the world.


  • Lucy

    Good thoughts in your article. I am currently doing a course in writing and feeling very determined – long may it continue!

    Sometimes we think we will write a certain piece 'one day' and yet…we never do, and the idea slowly ebbs away. I believe in a bit of brewing – as long as I remember to actually make a cup of tea! (I'm British, so I had to mention tea 🙂 )