
Creative Writing and A Writing Business

Yes these two things go hand in hand. I know some people might disbelieve it at first but really they do. Creative writing is what starts a process known as the choice of a writing career, but it is a writing business that proves that you are a “professional”writer.

What else do you need to be a writer?

A Business Plan, and a great editor. Also drive, a lot of drive. Creative writing can encompass so many facets of writing: non-fiction, fiction, flash fiction, novels, short stories, business plans, marketing plans, just about anything that you can do that is outside your comfort zone. There are also creative writing course to help you along the way.

Here’s a great question: How much would you do if you had 6 months to get your writing to a point that three or four manuscripts can be sent to a publisher?

I’ve got a bit of a business plan, and intend to make somethings happen in 6 months. I’m not sure how many manuscripts, but I’m a writer and I’m out to prove that I can do it. In non-fiction, which I believe is one of the best ways to go. (Rachel, deep breath! I swear my editing will get better.)

Am I a writer? I do creative writing, and I am into a writing business. Now I need to prove it. Can I?

My Question for you today is this: Have you given yourself a time limit to prove to yourself that you are more of a writer than you thought?


  • Al

    Great post!
    I am fairly confidant about my ability as a writer (apart from my hopeless ability with punctuation). I have other time limits that I have put on myself, mostly about marketing my book to agents and publishers.

  • Brian, the old man

    Very interesting! I lately have been thinking about time management and how I can work everything into my schedule. I would not say I have a time limit, but more of a plan to allocate the time. That is not to say I do not have goals but I do not feel I need a time limit to judge my success.

  • Damaria Senne

    I do want to prove to myself that I can write novels consistently, but I have not se a time limit to it. I don't do very well with time limits, and have found that I do better when I let the process evolve organically, without pressure. So my big writing plan is to wake up every morning, write like I will not have a chance to write tomorrow and see where that takes me.