
Journaling, Writing, and Publishing

What would you do?

Do you write in a journal and if so, would you ever publish its contents?

I do write a journal, in fact it is the one thing that I can say will possibly not get published yet, in fact, possibly not ever, unless I edit it. If that is the case it might take a while.

I deal with my fears: those of writing and publishing, my own thoughts about what writing means to me and how much I value it as a part of my life. It deals with other aspects, such as goal planning and what I would want out of publishing a book.

It seems rather strange since my goal is to be published that I wouldn’t want something like a journal to get published. I suspect that it is a personal way to express a longing or desire, or to voice my fears about things.

I think that having a journal primes my won writing that is my job. It is a sort of exercise for my mind, making it want to push the pen to the paper, and to encourage me each day.

I often don’t think of writing a journal as work, but editing or rewriting is the hardest aspect, I can place some of those worries aside when I journal. It also allows me to use a different medium I would not normally use, I recently used watercolour in my journal, which by the way, is a artist drawing book.

I also have a journal to record rather mundane events in my life, so that I can just simply “put them to rest” before sleeping. I seem to worry less if I journal each day.


  • Koala Bear Writer

    I like your last comments – that’s what I used to do all the time. I’m afraid I’ve lost this habit a bit since getting married. I do agree with you that I’d never publish my journal – or maybe only heavily edited portions that I converted into articles, but that’s not my journal. Journalling is something I do for myself, my sanity – where, as you say, I can just write without editing.